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Hello everybody!
As you may know the UBC student and also ESA Treasurer, Louis Gonick, went missing on April 16th 2017. Since that day all Louis' family and friends have been doing all we can to find him with the hope that he is safe and sound.
As part of the search for Louis, Lupe, his mother, is in the need of hiring a private investigator. Lupe does not count with the sufficient economic solvency to pay for all the services herself, this is why we need your help!
Nathalie Lozano, has initiated this fundraising to help Lupe with the economic support she needs to pay the investigator. If you can contribute monetarily, please join the campaign, if not we invite you to share the post and spread the word so we can get closer to finding Louis.
You can access the campaign by clicking on this link -->
To know more about Louis' case, see the press conference below:
On behalf of all ESA members and executives:
Thanks for your love and support!